What is the difference between a startup and a SME?

What happens around us is the entrepreneur and the investor, and the reality is that the entrepreneur is not seen like very important and the investor looks like someone too sophisticated where we cannot make connection. That is completely wrong, a Startup when it is born and an entrepreneur what it does is that it is starting to generate value and if its Startup really is valuable the investor is going to want a little of that value, if we begin to translate that in other words, the entrepreneur is also an investor because he invested his time and effort in generating value, and now he is going to go out and he will be an investor who sells and on the other side there will be an investor who buys, one delivers a piece of the company and the other delivery money. We must begin to generate value as an entrepreneur and as investors we must understand that entrepreneurs are also valuable.

So, what is a Startup?

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Your website is only in english?

Why have a page with two or more languages? There are many ways to do it, but what is the right way?

Most of the time, the web developers end up doing an incorrect translation that end up doing the page that translates as Google Translate or the fact of creating a domain as follows like domain.com/entry.html in English and domain.com/entry-espanol.html for Spanish is one of the worst mistakes a company can make. It must be remembered that translation instantly is not a multilingual site.

What is the correct way to assemble / display a page in multiple languages?

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Mexico and the Software

The Software industry is the industry that involves the research, development, distribution and marketing of computer systems known as Software.

In the Government Sector, the Software industry in Mexico is in a substantial increase and is that aspects such as:

  • Trade agreements
  • Affinity in business culture
  • Talent
  • Geographic location
  • Competitive costs

They attract the attention of the big world companies generating a great development and prestige in our country.

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What is SEO?

SEO means ‘Search Engine Optimization’, and it has to do directly with the search engines.

Every day millions of articles, photographs and videos enter the internet and somehow has to be organized, and when you search for a word or phrase, you should give the best option for your searches to match your preferences and what you want to find in network.

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